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June is Pride month, the Academic Senate of the Scuola Sant'Anna approves a resolution: 'The defence of social and civil rights, aimed at protecting and respecting the dignity of all persons, is a principle of our Constitution'

Publication date: 28.06.2023
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The Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna supports the promotion of the rights of LGBT+ people and community. The defence of social and civil rights, aimed at protecting and respecting the dignity of all persons, is a principle of our Constitution, and goes beyond any political and party affiliation: fighting for equality and justice, for the respect of diversity, is not a matter of taking sides but of safeguarding inviolable human rights.

The Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, as a public space devoted to education and research, as well as an open community, is committed to realising the principles of freedom and equality, creating a truly welcoming and inclusive space.